Sunday, July 4, 2010

Apple Working On Cloud Capable iTunes

photo ofapple itunes - Apple Working On Cloud Capable iTunes

Apple Working On Cloud Capable iTunes

News of iTunes receiving a big upgrade late this summer introducing cloud capability have been running rampant recently. The update isn’t exactly a surprise for anyone as such a development has been widely anticipated for what seems like forever now but there are still doubts about a September rollout. A Boy Genius Report indicates the new cloud capabilities for iTunes will be partitioned into three groups:

  1. Streaming music and movies from Apple’s servers to your computers, devices, etc.

  2. Streaming music and movies from your home computers to your other computers, remote devices, etc.

  3. Wireless iTunes syncing with devices.

Although all these features sound good, getting them up and working might take Apple longer then expected because some of them includes issues beyond Apple’s control that can continue to delay the iTunes update. An example of these issues include, licenses that Apple will need to obtain from a variety of content providers, including the top four music labels in the US. Although the company has been hard at work on the major iTunes tweaks since last Winter, it is possible that Google’s rumored and much discussed iTunes competitor (streaming music, with songs for download) could be released before iTunes gets the cloud capability that everyone has been anticipating.

1 comment:

  1. Apple Itunes is just stupid, I couldn buy rammstein clips and videos as my credit card is belgian !
