Friday, August 13, 2010

Not Like The Movies Piano sheets

I feel like it's my birthday - I know that a few people have been sending me email asking if I knew where they could find a piano version of Not Like The Movies by Katy Perry - Well, the search ended a few minutes ago when I found a FREE version of Not Like The Movies for the piano or keyboard. Now you can all start practicing Not Like The Movies on the piano, and hopefully you'll all end up as good as me!

WOOOOOT I feel like a brand new man, and I'll give you the scoop - PianoSheets has just released a new piece of music: Not Like The Movies. Not Like The Movies by Katy Perry is a awesome song - I'm sure you've heard Not Like The Movies playing on the radio more then once, especially recently. Now I can finally learn how to play Not Like The Movies on the piano - by using the free Not Like The Movies piano sheets I linked to below.

Not Like The Movies by Katy Perry free piano sheet Today's Quote: "Write down the things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies don't match."


  1. How often do you get the chance to watch silent movies with piano accompaniment? You can tonight at Arthouse Gardens: 7:30pm

  2. Can hear piano playing fr where im sitting..made me think of "the legend of 1900"...movies l8r?

  3. thank youu!! this is greatt!

  4. this is totally off key! it doesn't have a beginning either

  5. This sucks, I need the freaking sheet music

  6. Yeah this is bad.....
